

篇名 教学在场:数智化背景下的教师专业联结
並列篇名 Presence in Teaching: Teachers’ Professional Engagement in Post-digital Era
作者 陈思颖(CHEN Si-ying)
中文摘要 本文从数智化背景下教师教学所面临的困境出发,以“教学在场”与“教师在场”之辨重新审视教师的教学,认为教学在场是回归教学本质的应有之义。教学在场始于教师主观意识的觉醒,通过教师与作为他者的学生主体性相遇的过程,实现师生共同能动参与教育变革。教师的专业联结是实现教学在场的关键。实现教学在场的路径在于:教师在外在角色与内在自我的联结中实现自我完整;教师在与学生的联结中实现主体性相遇;教师在与所教学科的联结中构建个性化学科知识体系;教师在与教育情境的联结中拥抱不确定性。
英文摘要 The paper starts with the problems and challenges in post-digital era, and analyzes the essence of teaching from the differentiation of presence in teaching and teacher presence. It is claimed that teaching presence is the essence of teaching. Teaching presence starts from teachers’ wide-awakeness, and ends with the co-agency between teachers and students in education by taking students as “the Other”. Teachers’ professional engagement is the key to teaching presence. Teaching presence consists of four dimensions of engagement, that is, the engagement between roles as teachers and inner self as individual teachers, between teachers and students, between teachers and subjects, and between teachers and contexts. Finally, it is proposed that the approaches to realize presence in teaching lie in the ways as teachers to be engaged with integrity of themselves, teachers engaged with students’ learning, teachers engaged with subjects to create a unique system of subject knowledge, and teachers embrace the uncertainty of engagement in contexts.
頁次 058-063
關鍵詞 教学在场 数智化 专业联结 presence in teaching post-digital era professional engagement CSSCI
卷期 33:6
日期 202111
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心