

篇名 「道」的實踐-從老莊思想談生命的意義與人生的幸福
並列篇名 The Practice of “Dao”: Discussing the Meaning and the Happiness of Life from Lao Zhuang Philosophy
作者 蕭麗芬(Li-Fen Xiao)
中文摘要 有真正的幸福嗎?人類所要體會的人性價值與生命意義到底是什麼?莊子體悟老子的「宇宙根源之道」,在面對「無可奈何」的死亡限制中,展現出自由逍遙的生命境界。本文以「價值」、「責任」與「超越」三種意識,分別論述「道德」、「孤獨」與「死亡」三個主題。首先,從老莊思想之「道」與「德」的內涵,確立生命在天地宇宙中的真正「價值」;其次,說明生命的第一個必然性—孤獨,闡明生命的獨特性與獨立性,目的在完成天地宇宙間的存有「責任」;最後,說明生命的第二個必然性—死亡,強調認識生命之道德價值及孤獨的必然時,才能「超越」死亡的恐懼,活出真正的自我。研究結果發現,當人以「道」的實踐作為生命轉化的方法時,便能恢復與自己、與他者,甚至與天地萬物間的和諧關係,才能完成「生命意義」的探尋與「人生幸福」的追求。
英文摘要 Is there real happiness? What is the value of human nature and meaning of human life that human beings want to experience? Zhuangzi realized Lao Tzu’s “the way of the origin of the universe”. When facing the restriction of death which make them helpless, and Zhuangzi displayed a state of freedom in life. This research has three consciousnesses of “value”, “responsibility” and “transcendence” to discuss the three themes of “Dao-De”, “solitude” and “death” respectively. Firstly, from the connotation of “Dao” and “De” in Lao Zhuang’s philosophy, it establishes the true value of “life” in the universe. Secondly, it explains “solitude,” the first necessity of life, and clarifies the uniqueness and independence of life for the purpose is to fulfill the responsibility of the living being. Finally, it explains “death”, the second inevitability of life, emphasizing that only when life is endowed with the essence of “Dao-De” and “solitude” can we transcend the fear of death and live out true happiness. The results of the study found that when people use the practice of “Dao” as the method of life transformation, they can restore the harmonious relationship with themselves, with others, and even with the world and everything. Only in this way can the exploration of “meaning of life” and “the pursuit a life of happiness”s be completed.
頁次 059-088
關鍵詞 道德 幸福 意義 意識 Dao-De happiness meaning consciousness
卷期 14:1
日期 202206
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心˙社團法人台灣生命教育學會
DOI 10.53106/207466012022061401003