

篇名 墨家生死觀於今我身
並列篇名 The Viewpoint Toward Life and Death of Mohist in My Body Now
作者 蕭宏恩(Hung-En Hsiao)
中文摘要 自許為當代墨者的我,確診罹患血癌至今一年有餘的日子裡,對墨家生死觀有了更深刻的體會與反思。在這一年多來患病的生活體驗及省思裡,深切體證墨家生死觀中之「命」、「死生與上天的賞罰」,以及「死生是一種抉擇」等面向。既是體證,本文不採一一比附的方式撰寫,而是以半論述、半敘事之論述與敘事相間的歷程進行證成。墨家之「命」乃努力破除宿命觀(強力破命);面對自身血癌重症,我不認命,心裡有數卻非做了最壞打算,就是要努力真正地「活著」。墨家「天志」賞善懲惡在於為義或不義,賜富貴予義人,降災禍予不義之人;疾病並非災禍,而是人生的必經歷程,反而是上天的眷顧。墨家面對生死乃為義之權衡而做的抉擇;我之權衡在於對周遭的「責任」。如此,本文即在「楔子」的鋪陳與「全劇未終」的結尾下進行撰寫。
英文摘要 Self-proclaimed as a contemporary Mohist, I have been diagnosed with blood cancer for more than one year so far. In these days. I have more profoundly realized and introspected Mohist’s view of life and death. Life experience and inspection that comes to contract the disease more in this years, my personal experiences have justrfied the aspects of “Ming” (命), “death-life and the rewards and punishments from Tien(天)”, and “death and life is a choice” in the Mohist’s view of life and death. Since the experiences were personally, the paper will not be written in the way for attaching viewpoints one by one, but with the mixed way of discussion and narrative to carry out justification. The concept of “Ming”(命)of Mohism has hardly tried to get rid of the predestination view. I do not agree with the idea of fate even though I confront the severe blood cancer. Actually, I have learned something from the disease, but I decide to live truly and hardly instead of overly pessimistic. The will of Tien(天)in Mohism rewards the good and punishes the vicious lies in doing righteousness or not and rewarding wealth to righteous man and reducing disaster to injustice man. However, the disease is not a disaster but the necessary process in life and the favor of Tien instead. Mohist facing life and death are to choose by trade-off doing righteousness that my trade-off lies in the “responsibility” to the surroundings. In this way, the paper is written starting with a “prologue” and ending up with an epilogue of “the end is not yet”.
頁次 001-028
關鍵詞 死生 血癌 疾病 墨家 life and death blood cancer disease Mohist
卷期 14:1
日期 202206
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心˙社團法人台灣生命教育學會
DOI 10.53106/207466012022061401001