

篇名 基於科技接受模式探討國小學生因材網使用意圖之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Use Intention of Elementary School Students in Adaptive Learning Platform Based on Technology Acceptance Model
作者 洪淑華(Shu-Hua Hung) 、黃靖文(Jing-Wen Huang)
中文摘要 COVID-19疫情爆發使學校組織面臨著許多變化和挑戰,線上數位學習成為疫情期間的主流學習渠道,而且教育部積極推廣因材網數位學習資源,因此探討學生使用因材網的現況與使用意圖有其必要性。本研究係依據科技接受模式,整合學習動機、電腦自我效能之外部變數,以及認知有用性、認知易用性,探討相關變數與國小學生對因材網使用意圖之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為屏東縣某國小之中高年級學生,結果發現影響國小學生因材網使用意圖之因素如下:學習動機與電腦自我效能對認知易用性與認知有用性有顯著正向影響,認知易用性對認知有用性有顯著正向影響,認知有用性對因材網之使用意願有顯著正向影響。最後,本研究提出結論與建議,供教育相關單位應用因材網之參考。
英文摘要 School organizations face a lot of changes and challenges under the COVID-19 outbreak. Online digital learning has become the mainstream learning channel during the epidemic. The Ministry of Education actively promotes the digital learning resources of the Adaptive Learning platform. It is necessary to explore the current situation and use intentions of the Adaptive Learning platform for students. Based on the technology acceptance model, this study integrates external variables of learning motivation and computer self-efficacy, as well as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, to explore the relationship between the relevant variables and use intention of the Adaptive Learning platform. This study employs the questionnaire survey method, and the research objects are middle and senior students in a primary school in Pingtung County. The results indicate that learning motivation and computer self-efficacy have significantly positive influences on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Perceived ease of use has a significantly positive influence on perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness has a significantly positive influence on use intention of the Adaptive Learning platform. This study provides suggestions for educational organizations and future research.
頁次 114-133
關鍵詞 科技接受模式 學習動機 電腦自我效能 使用意圖 因材網 adaptive learning platform computer self-efficacy learning motivation technology acceptance model use intention
卷期 139
日期 202205
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202205_(139).0006