

篇名 师范生情感知识及其情感教育的个案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study on Emotional Knowledge of Students in Teacher Education and their Emotional Action
作者 郝少毅(HAO Shao-yi) 、朱志勇(ZHU Zhi-yong)
中文摘要 自我国情感教育研究的开拓者朱小蔓于20世纪90年代提出“情感师范教育”以来,学术界对师范生情感教育中的情感知识一直缺乏必要的学理探讨。本研究以情感社会学和符号互动论为视角,以师范学校A校为个案,探究了A校课程中呈现的情感知识和师范生习得情感知识的方式。研究发现A校课程中呈现了两种类型的情感知识:价值型情感知识和策略型情感知识,师范生通过课堂师生会话和日常生活际遇等符号互动的方式习得这些情感知识,同时在实习过程中对其进行丰富、完善,进而内化成为师范生个体的“隐性的情感符号”。本研究对师范院校课程中情感知识特征及习得方式的明晰为理解教师的情感互动提供了一种微观视角,将有助于进一步促进情感师范教育实践转化的研究。
英文摘要 Since Professor Zhu Xiao-man, the pioneer of emotional education study in China, proposed “emotional teacher education” in the 1990s, there has been lack of necessary academic researches on emotional knowledge in students, emotional education in teacher education. Taking the perspective of emotional sociology and symbolic interactionism, this case study of A Preschool Education College explored the emotional knowledge presented in the school curriculum and the way in which the students acquire emotional knowledge. It is found that A Preschool Education College has demonstrated value-oriented emotional knowledge and strategy-oriented emotional knowledge. The college students have acquired the emotional knowledges through symbolic interactions such as teacher-student conversations and encounters, and enriched, perfected, and internalized them as their “hidden emotional symbols” in the internship. The explication and clarification of emotional knowledge in the preschool education college and the way that the college students acquired the emotional knowledge would contribute to understanding teacher, s emotional interaction with a micro perspective and prompting the further studies on the transformation of emotional teacher education in the practice.
頁次 016-023
關鍵詞 情感师范教育 情感知识 自我 符号 emotional teacher education emotional knowledge self symbols CSSCI
卷期 33:6
日期 202111
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心