

篇名 教师情感素养评估的新趋势:情境判断测验的开发构想
並列篇名 The New Trend of Teachers’ Affective Competence Assessment: The Development of Situational Judgment Test
作者 王松丽(WANG Song-li) 、李琼(LI Qiong)
中文摘要 教师情感素养培养和提升是朱小蔓教授情感教育思想的重要内容。本研究借鉴朱小蔓教授关于教师情感素养的理论和实践研究成果,从情感品质和情感识别、表达、调适等方面,编制情境判断测验对教师情感素养水平进行评估。情境判断测验作为一种依赖情境进行评判的方法,在测量高度情境化的行为和特征方面比较有效,有利于测出被试者真实的态度及内隐的特质。使用情境判断测验进行教师情感素养评估,一定程度上可以克服自陈测量的局限性,更有效测出教师真实的情感素养水平。
英文摘要 The cultivation and promotion of teachers’ affective competence is the important part of professor Zhu Xiaoman’s affective education thoughts. This study draws lessons from professor Zhu Xiaoman’s theory and practice results on teachers’ affective competence, and develops situational judgment tests to evaluate teachers’ affective competence from the aspects of affective quality, affective recognition, expression, regulation and so on. As a method of judging depending on the situation, situational judgment tests are more effective in evaluating high situational behaviors and characteristics, which are conducive to measuring the true attitude and implicit characteristics of subjects. The situation judgment tests partly can overcome the limitations of self-report measurement and more effectively measure teachers’ true affective competence level.
頁次 009-015
關鍵詞 情境判断测验 教师情感素养 情感 评估 situational judgment test teachers’ affective competence emotion assessment CSSCI
卷期 33:6
日期 202111
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心