

篇名 大學行政主管組織公民行為對校長正向領導與行政主管工作效能之中介效果考驗
並列篇名 Mediation Effect of Administrative Executives’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Presidents’ Positive Leadership and Administrative Executives’ Job Effectiveness in Universities
作者 張同廟(Tung-Miao Chang)
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在於探究大學校長正向領導、行政主管組織公民行為與工作效能間之關係,並考驗組織公民行為之中介效果。研究方法採問卷調查法,調查對象為南部大學行政主管,共抽出20所大學,問卷發放320份,獲得有效樣本291份。所得資料經描述性統計、t檢定、相關分析與結構方程模式分析結果發現:一級行政主管對校長正向領導、組織公民行為與工作效能的認同度高於二級主管;校長正向領導、組織公民行為與工作效能三者之整體模式適配度良好;大學校長正向領導會正向影響行政主管工作效能;大學校長正向領導會正向影響行政主管組織公民行為;行政主管組織公民行為會正向影響工作效能;行政主管組織公民行為對大學校長正向領導與行政主管工作效能具有中介效果。最後,本研究根據研究結果,針對大學行政主管與未來研究方向提出相關建議以為參考。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of presidents’ positive leadership (PPL) with administrative executives’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and job effectiveness (JE) in universities, with OCB as a mediator. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data. The sample of this study consisted of 320 administrative supervisors in universities located in southern Taiwan; in total, 291 valid samples were obtained. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t tests, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling. The results revealed that senior executives had significantly higher identification with the PPL as well as administrative executives’ OCB and JE than did second-level executives. The structural model on the relationship of PPL with administrative executives’ OCB and JE exhibited a favorable goodness of fit. Moreover, PPL had a significant positive direct effect on administrative executives’ JE and OCB. Administrative executives’ OCB had a mediating effect on the relationship between PPL and administrative executives’ JE. On the basis of these findings, suggestions for university administrative executives and related researchers are provided.
頁次 121-168
關鍵詞 工作效能 行政主管 校長正向領導 組織公民行為 job effectiveness administrative executives presidents’ positive leadership organizational citizenship behavior TSSCI
卷期 56
日期 202106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272021060056004