

篇名 德國改革教育學校發展及對我國實驗教育之啟示
並列篇名 Development of Reform Schools in Germany and Its Contribution to Experimental Education in Taiwan
作者 余曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Yu)
中文摘要 2014年,立法院三讀通過「實驗教育三法」中的《學校型態實驗教育實施條例》、《高級中等以下教育階段非學校型態實驗教育實施條例》兩個新法案。此法的通過,讓公立學校具有更多彈性和空間導入實驗教育,學校的經營也展現出多元化、特色化的趨向。本研究首先透過歷史研究法與文獻分析法,詳細爬梳德國自普魯士王國時期至今改革教育的發展歷程,探討不同階段具有代表性的思想家與學校之理念;其次,探討我國目前實驗教育之發展狀況,並與德國實驗教育之發展情形進行比較;最後,統整德國改革教育學校的發展核心,指出其對於有志改革者在如下四面向所帶來的啟示——人類圖像與發展、學校角色、學校相關主體,以及教學與評量。期盼藉此提醒學校在進行改革的途徑上,回歸教育的根本,正視學生作為學習主體的角色,並努力創造出適於學生學習與發展的另類教育之可能。
英文摘要 In 2014, the Legislative Yuan passed the “Regulations on the Implementation of School Type Experimental Education” and the Regulations on the Implementation of NonSchool Type Experimental Education in the Advanced Secondary Education Stage in the Three types of Experimental Education Act. The adoption of this law provided public schools with greater flexibility and space to introduce experimental education; the law also diversified and characterized schools’ operation. This study first employs historical research and document analysis methods to review the development process of reform education in Germany from the Kingdom of Prussia to the present and subsequently explores the viewpoints of representative thinkers and schools at different stages. Second, this study discusses the development of experimental education in Taiwan and compares the status of experimental education in Taiwan and Germany; finally, this study synthesizes the main philosophies of the reform schools in Germany and considers the insights they provide in the following four aspects: human image and development, school roles, relevant subjects of the school, and teaching and evaluation. The current paper aims to remind schools that endeavor to reform to return to the fundamentals of education. These schools should regard students as learning subjects and strive to develop an alternative educational approach that is conducive to student learning and development.
頁次 045-082
關鍵詞 另類教育 改革教育學 德國教育 alternative education reform pedagogy German education TSSCI
卷期 56
日期 202106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272021060056002