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篇名 幼兒中文視動整合與視知覺成長模式之探究
並列篇名 The Research on the Growth Model of Chinese Visual-Motor Integration and Visual Perception for Kindergarteners
作者 吳慧珉(Huey-Min Wu) 、林巾凱(Chin-Kai Lin) 、李政軒(Cheng-Hsuan Li) 、楊舒茹(Shu-Ru Yang)
中文摘要 良好的視動整合以及視知覺能力與國字學習的表現息息相關,本研究期望找到仿畫、字形辨識、字體結構辨識之間的相關情形以及成長模式的預測因子。本研究採立意取樣,並追蹤一年的成長,兩年追蹤共233 位幼兒。評量工具為「視覺動作整合電腦化評估工具」,又分為「視動整合測驗」和「視知覺測驗」兩種。「視動整合測驗」為仿畫一、二、三筆畫作為分測驗,「視知覺測驗」以一、二、三筆畫的字形辨識以及獨體字、水平字、垂直字的字體結構辨識作為分測驗。本研究以two-wave cross lagged panel 驗證幼兒在視動整合中成長模式的預測因子。研究顯示:仿畫與字形辨識間的相關性為最佳,其次為字形辨識與字體結構辨識,最後為字體結構辨識與仿畫的相關,三者之間的相關會隨著年齡而降低。仿畫的自我預測力為最高,仿畫、字形辨識、字體結構辨識獨立當作預測變項時,又以第一年的仿畫預測第二年的仿畫預測力為最高。文末並對實務應用提出建議。
英文摘要 The visual-motor integration is a factor to predict writing significantly. While identifying Chinese words, visual perception is used to detect the space and radicals in two-dimensional positions of Chinese characters’ morphology. Based on visual-Motor integration and visual perception theory, the relationships among the drawing imitation in Chinese basic stroke, the identification in Chinese character basic stroke, and the structures in Chinese character are explored. The growth model of assessment tool related to the drawing imitation in Chinese character basic stroke, the identification in Chinese character basic stroke, and the structures in Chinese character is validated in this research. The purposive sampling is used in this study. The 223 kindergarteners aged four to six years old participated in the study and were monitored for one year. Computerized Chinese visual-motor integration with three subtests and Chinese visual perception with six subtests are used in this research. A two-wave cross-lagged panel analysis is used to test the validity of the growth model. The Computerized Chinese visual-motor integration and Chinese visual perception Assessment Tool has good validity in a growth model. There was significant correlation among drawing imitation, identification in basic stroke and structure in Chinese character at different time points. Drawing imitation effectively predicated identification in basic stroke and structure in Chinese character. In the end of the paper, the suggestions in the practical application are provided.
頁次 429-451
關鍵詞 仿畫 字形 基本筆畫 視知覺 視動整合 Basic stroke Chinese character drawing imitation visual-motor integration visual perception TSSCI
卷期 66:4
日期 201912
刊名 測驗學刊
出版單位 中國測驗學會、心理出版社