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篇名 跨文化溝通的基礎:臺灣雙語教育的實踐與挑戰
並列篇名 The Foundation of Intercultural Communication: The Practice and Challenges of Bilingual Education in Taiwan
作者 林子斌(Tzu-Bin Lin)
中文摘要 雙語教育所欲培養的雙語能力常被認為是跨文化溝通的基礎,而教育部在其「中小學國際教育白皮書2.0」將雙語課程納入臺灣國際教育的架構中,著眼的正是基本語言溝通能力之養成。然而,本文的立論基礎在於雙語教育是否能協助學生培養跨文化素養所需之溝通能力,必須正視雙語教育處在哪個階段。因此,本文首先對臺灣雙語教育政策的發展進行梳理,並說明其在學校體系中推動時所面對的挑戰;其次剖析臺灣目前的雙語教育能量與培養跨文化溝通目標間的距離;文末提出雙語教育的發展應奠基在現場的真實狀況,將腳步站穩並發展跨文化溝通能力之後,未來才有可能變成跨文化素養之助力。
英文摘要 The language proficiency fostered by the promotion of Bilingual education is often considered as the foundation of intercultural communication. In the White Paper on International Education in Primary and Junior High Schools 2.0, the bilingual curriculum is part of the structure of international education in Taiwan because language is essential for intercultural communication. However, the argument of this paper is on whether bilingual education is a pushing force to advance intercultural communication relying on the developmental stage that bilingual education is in. This paper starts by mapping out the context of bilingual education and the challenges it faces in the Taiwanese school system. Then, the gap between current bilingual education and intercultural competence is explicated. At the end of this paper, it is suggested that bilingual education has to be rooted in the Taiwanese school system well first to cultivate intercultural communication capacity so that it could be the foundation of intercultural competence.
頁次 001-013
關鍵詞 師資培育 跨文化溝通 雙語教育 teacher education intercultural communication bilingual education
卷期 17:1
日期 202203
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/181653382022031701001