

篇名 能力测评转向:经合组织学生社会情感能力调查项目研究
並列篇名 Skill Assessment Shift: Research on the OECD Study on Social Emotional Skills
作者 屈廖健(QU Liaojian) 、刘华聪(LIU Huacong)
中文摘要 OECD社会情感能力调查项目以大五人格理论与生态系统理论为基础搭建了社会情感能力分析框架,对全球10~15岁学生的任务表现、情绪调节、与人交往、协作能力、开放思维以及复合技能六大社会情感能力展开考察,对学生所处的家庭、学校乃至社区学习环境进行分析。该项目分析了不同经济发展水平、社会环境以及文化背景下儿童的社会情感能力发展的共性与个性,探究了学校、家庭、社区场域内影响个体社会情感能力发展的因素,考察了不同维度的社会情感能力对个体发展与产出的影响。社会情感能力调查项目是跨文化情境下的研究主题、概念与分析框架、研究设计及测量工具的创新实践。
英文摘要 The Study on Social and Emotional Skills of the OECD established the analytical framework for social and emotional skills based on Big Five Theory and ecological system theory. It investigates six major social and emotional skills of 10 to 15-year-old students worldwide including task performance, emotional regulation, engaging with others, collaboration, open-mindedness and compound skills. The study focuses on the commonality and individuality of children's social and emotional skill development under various economic, social and cultural backgrounds, exploring the factors that influence social and emotional skills in the fields of schools, families and communities, and also investigating the impacts of multi-dimensional social and emotional skills on individual development. SSES is an innovative practice on research topics, conceptual and analytical framework, research design, and measurement tools in a cross-cultural context.
頁次 090-097
關鍵詞 经济合作与发展组织 能力测评 社会情感能力 跨文化测评 OECD skill evaluation social and emotional skills cross-cultural evaluation CSSCI
卷期 42:7
日期 202007
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所