

篇名 “一带一路”背景下深化中阿高等教育合作的战略思考
並列篇名 In-depth Higher Education Cooperation Strategy between China and Arab under the Belt and Road Initiative
作者 王辞钰(WANG Tingyu)
中文摘要 中阿共建“一带一路”需要高等教育交流合作助力民心相通,提供人才支持。“一带一路”倡议实施以来,中阿高等教育合作取得了一系列进展,主要体现在高等教育合作机制初步建立,学生交流互动增强,合作办学形式趋于多元和科研合作走向制度化。但中阿高等教育合作还存在一些问题,未来还有很大的发展空间。根据阿拉伯各国经济发展水平和安全局势,将阿拉伯国家分为三类,可分别采取加强交流合作、协助能力建设和发展教育援助三种策略进行合作。
英文摘要 The friendly exchanges between China and the Arab states are long-standing and well-established. In recent years, a series of remarkable progress has been made in China-Arab higher education cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. However, compared with the political, economic cooperation between the two sides, the higher education cooperation is relatively small in scale. The future higher education cooperation strategy between China and Arab states should make an overall plan as well as focusing on diversity, in order to promote the higher education cooperation between the two sides.
頁次 020-026
關鍵詞 一带一路 高等教育 教育合作 the Belt and Road Initiative higher education education cooperation CSSCI
卷期 42:7
日期 202007
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所