

篇名 臺灣個人實驗教育社會支持需求的現況與困境之研究
並列篇名 The Social Support Needs of the Individual Experimental Education Implemented in Taiwan: Current Situations and Difficulties
作者 謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh) 、吳鈺崧(Yu-Sung Wu) 、廖金文(Chin-Wen Liao)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討台灣個人實驗教育社會支持需求的現況與困境,據以提出建議供政策參考。本研究自編「臺灣個人實驗教育的社會支持需求研究訪談問卷」作為研究工具,包含:「法制需求」、「物質需求」、「心理需求」與「教育專業需求」等四個需求層面。本研究成果具體建議中央、地方應共同擔負起責任:中央統籌全國性法規、資訊作業平台;地方政府則應主動縱向結合中央、橫向聯盟區域縣市並簡化作業程序,整合學校、家長與民間共同建構整全性的實驗教育支持系統,以促進在家教育實施效能。
英文摘要 This research aims to reveal and to understand the current problems and the social support of the individual experimental education implemented in Taiwan. This study is proceeded by means of questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire, “Questionnaire about the Social Support Needs of the Individual Experimental Education Implemented in Taiwan”. It includes: “Legal Needs”, “Material Needs”, “Mental Needs”, and “Education Professions Needs”. Based on the conclusions of this study, some suggestions are advanced to the education administrations and education bureaus for taking responsibilities together. The former develops national, overall planning and information platforms. The latter must be proactive and get to cooperate with the former, facilitate the processes by organizing a strategic alliance with nearby counties, and by integrating the resources from schools, parents and non-governments. All that will promote the efficiencies of homeschooling in the whole experimental education support systems.
頁次 043-056
關鍵詞 社會支持 非學校型態實驗教育 個人實驗教育 教育選擇權 social support non-school-based experimental education individual experimental education school choice
卷期 125
日期 202001
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202001_(125).0003