

篇名 導入頭戴式虛擬實境於學習成效、心流體驗與認知負荷之探究:以昆蟲課程為例
並列篇名 Effects of Applying Head-Mounted Virtual Reality in Insect Education on Achievement, Flow Experience, and Cognitive Load
作者 陳又菁(Yu-Ching Chen)
中文摘要 在目前的昆蟲課程中,由於昆蟲本身體型、活動力及地點與季節的限制,阻礙了學生能夠近距離觀察的機會,致使學生在昆蟲的成長歷程與外型構造上經常產生混淆,而虛擬實境可打破時間與空間的限制,讓學習者能以強調互動與探索的方式進行學習,頭戴式裝置的普及更能貼近真實的情境,讓學習者能沉浸在學習的環境中並提高學習興趣。但研究發現,虛擬實境可能會帶來較高的認知負荷而無法確保產生較佳的學習成效,而探究式教學著重以學生進行探究活動為中心,並透過引導的過程幫助降低認知負荷,與虛擬實境著重沉浸式的探索環境相輔相成,因此,本研究目的即為運用探究式教學的三階段學習環結合頭戴式虛擬實境,期望提供適合學習者進行探索的昆蟲學習系統,藉以提升國小學生的昆蟲教育成效,並進一步探究其心流經驗、認知負荷的差異與學習經驗。本研究結果發現,運用頭戴式虛擬實境融入三階段學習環可幫助提升學習成效,並帶來較高的心流體驗及有效認知負荷,且能降低學習者之外在認知負荷,此結果可提供未來設計頭戴式虛擬實境融入教學之參考。
英文摘要 In the current curriculum, the limitation of location, season, and appearance of insects eliminate students to observe the insects closely. The students usually are confused with insects appearance and growing process. Virtual reality removes the limitation of time and space and facilitates students to learn and explore more actively. The head-mounted devices provide a more immersive environment for students to enhance their learning motivation. Studies found virtual reality may result in higher cognitive load and hinder learning. Inquiry-based learning emphasizes students exploration and provides guidance to decrease students cognitive load. The learning strategy could be suitable in virtual reality. In this study, the three-phase learning cycle model and head-mounted virtual reality were combined to improve insect education. The students flow experience, cognitive load, and learning experiences were also compared and discussed. The results showed that the proposed learning environment improved learning outcome, flow experience, and germane cognitive load. Moreover, students had lower extrinsic cognitive load than the control group. The results would be valuable for instructional designers when integrating head-mounted virtual reality into insect education in the future.
頁次 001-023
關鍵詞 三階段學習環 心流體驗 認知負荷 頭戴式虛擬實境 three-phase learning cycle flow experience cognitive load head-mounted virtual reality TSSCI
卷期 12:3
日期 202007
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2020071203001