

篇名 跨領域課程發展與實踐:以臺北市南湖高中為例
並列篇名 The Development and Practice of Interdisciplinary Curriculum: A Case Study on Taipei Municipal Nanhu High School
作者 陳佩英(Pei-Ying Chen) 、林佳慧(Chia-Hui Ellen Lin) 、張志維(Chih-Wei Chang)
中文摘要 十二年國教之高中教育著重學生通用能力、人文關懷及社會參與的培養,藉由跨領域課程統整可逐步落實。目前雖已有探討跨領域課程方案設計,然對於高中教師進行跨領域課程發展的實徵研究仍為數較少。為此,本研究以臺北市南湖高中為研究場域,旨在探究該校教師進行品德教育跨領域課程發展與實踐。結果發現,跨領域課程發展歷經三階段的演變,教師課程設計透過「同理、思辨、實踐、反思」模式,以及運用概念探究工具,深化學生學習。此外,教師社群從知識為本的教學轉向學習為本的實踐,成為生產性的課程發展與協作模式,實具意義性。
英文摘要 The 12-year basic education curriculum guidelines in high school education focus on the cultivation of generic competence, humanity, and social participation. Through implementing an interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum realized these capabilities. At present, interdisciplinary curriculum design has been discussed, but there are still few empirical studies on interdisciplinary curriculum development for high school teachers. This paper thus took Taipei Nanhu High School as a research site and aimed to explore the development and practice of character education, a kind of interdisciplinary curriculum, by the teachers. The results showed that interdisciplinary curriculum development has gone through three stages. Curriculum design has deepened student learning through the “empathy, deliberation, practice, reflection” model and the use of conceptual inquiry tools. Besides, the teacher community has shifted from knowledge-based instruction to learning-based practice. Productive curriculum development and collaboration mode between teachers signified these collective endeavors.
頁次 004-022
關鍵詞 品德教育 概念探究 跨領域課程 議題融入 moral education conceptual inquiry issue-based curriculum integration interdisciplinary curriculum
卷期 316
日期 202008
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020080316001