

篇名 早期伯明翰学派与教育的文化研究
並列篇名 The Early Birmingham School and Cultural Studies of Education
作者 李丽(LI Li)
中文摘要 早期伯明翰学派开创的英国文化研究所蕴含的教育意义长期以来被遮蔽,但是,恰恰是这项被遮蔽的教育研究,在英国教育发展史上具有不可忽视的重要影响。早期伯明翰学派的文化研究勾连着英国教育尤其是成人教育演变的历史,牵系着二战后英国社会变迁的特殊语境,引领着“新左派”知识分子寻求工人阶级解放的理想。早期伯明翰学派的文化研究对教育的重要意义在于,它不仅提升了作为文化实践形式的工人阶级教育在工人阶级解放事业中的地位和意义,而且在一定程度上贯穿了之后的伯明翰学派的文化研究,并对英国教育的理论与实践产生了重要影响。
英文摘要 The educational significance of the British Cultural Studies founded by the Early Birmingham School has been obscured for a long time. However, this obscured educational research has an important influence that cannot be ignored in the history of the development of British education. The Cultural Studies of the Early Birmingham School connected with the history of British education, especially in the field of adult education, related to the special context of British social changes after the World War II, and led the “New Left” intellectuals to seek the ideal of working class liberation. The importance of Cultural Studies of the Early Birmingham School to education is shown in the following: it not only enhanced the status and role of working-class education as a form of cultural practice in the cause of class liberation, but also profoundly affected the culture of the later Birmingham School to a certain extent. In addition, it has had an important impact on the theory and practice of British education.
頁次 196-207
關鍵詞 早期伯明翰学派 成人教育 工人阶级文化 教育的文化研究 The Early Birmingham School adult education culture of working-class cultural studies of education CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.017