

篇名 國民中學新課綱地理課程之批判論述分析
並列篇名 Critical Discourse Analysis of Geography Course in the Junior High School Stage from the 12- Year Basic Education Curriculum
作者 邱婕歆(Chieh-Hsin Chiu) 、吳連賞(Lien-Shang Wu)
中文摘要 本研究以十二年國民基本教育之社會領域課程綱要為文本進行探討,藉由Fairclough的批判論述分析,從敘事結構中梳理其中有關國中地理學科的部分,理解文本論述中所闡釋的學校地理學的意義,與其期待開展之地理教/學圖像的維繫。本文研究發現有二:一、新課綱中的學校地理學持續強調區域特色的學習,且更著重文化擴散與多元理解的角度,以「文化轉向」的角度詮釋區域,展開地理學的視角與關懷。二、新課綱中透由各種問題的探究,開啟「以學習為中心」的教學圖像,促發學校地理學、學生、教師三者之間之互動,而「合作學習」是為實踐的可能之道。
英文摘要 This study took the social studies curriculum from the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum as a text to investigate. The purpose is to sort out geography course in the junior high school stage through narrative structure from Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, and also to understand the significance of the school geography from the text, and to expected to maintain the image of teaching and learning. There are two findings in this study. First, the school geography from the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum emphasized regional characteristics, cultural diffusion and diverse perspective of understanding. It also interprets the region from the perspective of "cultural turn" and unfolds the perspective and care of geography. Second, it aims to develop “Learning-centered” teaching image through every kind of questioning in the new curriculum, also to promote the interaction between geography, students and teachers. Cooperative learning is the way to practice.
頁次 089-110
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育 社會領域課程綱要 批判論述分析 學校地理學 地理教學 12-Year Basic Education social studies curriculum guidelines critical discourse analysis school geography geography teaching
卷期 44
日期 202006
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學教育學系(含研究所)