

篇名 美國社會效率派教育研究典範的崛起:以芝加哥大學教育系早期的課程角逐為例
並列篇名 The Rise of the Social Efficiency Research Paradigm: The Early Evolution of Curriculum of the Department of Education at University of Chicago (1894-1920)
作者 劉蔚之(Wei-chih LIOU)
中文摘要 芝加哥大學教育系在20世紀上半葉歷經極輝煌年代,其社會效率派研究典範更相當程度形塑美國教育學研究走向。本文運用該校檔案館之史料檔案,探討自1894年杜威創系至1920年賈德課程改革臻於成熟為止,不同典範間的課程角逐過程,說明社會效率派的崛起。結果發現杜威在創系初期成功打破當時流行的德國教育學,改為統整融攝、理論實務兼重的發展方向;然而其規劃很快被賈德改弦更張,所開設課程反對理論思辨,強調以科學量化的統計與實驗方法,調查教育的客觀事實,進而成就了社會效率派在美國教育學界的輝煌霸權;然而該系最終仍因學術性遭質疑在1997年慘遭停辦,顯示社會效率派所代表的教育學至今仍難得到菁英大學的認同。釐清這段歷史有助理解美國教育學發展歷史特性,進而對仍不斷學習美國的臺灣教育學研究提供具體歷史鑑照。
英文摘要 The Department of Education at the University of Chicago, USA was at its height of reputation on education in the first half of the 20th century and later it did shape the direction of educational research worldwide. This article explores the evolution of its curriculum reforms, starting from 1894 when the department was founded by Dewey, to the maturation of its curriculum in 1920 when Judd re-structured all the course programs. This paper analyzes the archives of Judd and the department, the school’s annual reports, and other research materials available. It then focuses on how Dewey steered from the popular German Education Model during its setting up stage, to an academic style highlighting integration and weighing theories with substantial practices simultaneously. However, Dewey’s model was, later, altered deliberately by Judd as he intended to promote social efficiency with education, investigate educational facts scientifically, emphasize quantitative data analyses and experimental methods, and oppose theoretical speculation. Judd’s model has had a great impact on the US education and continues to be the mainstream of educational research afterwards. Unfortunately, the Department was shut down due to some doubts and questions about its scholarship worthiness. Finally, this paper proposes that a fully understanding on these historical characteristics of the development of US pedagogy would enable researchers and pedagogical professionals in Taiwan to be more aware of their studies during their keeping adoptions based on the US education.
頁次 185-216
關鍵詞 芝加哥大學教育系 社會效率派 杜威 賈德 課程史 Department of Education at University of Chicago J. Dewey C. Judd history of curriculum social efficiency research paradigm TSSCI
卷期 23:2
日期 202004
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202004_23(2).0008