

篇名 卢梭的儿童观为何是教育史上的一次哥白尼革命?——重思卢梭儿童观的内容和特点
並列篇名 Why Rousseau’s View of Children is a Copernican Revolution in the History of Education? Rethinking the Contents and Characteristics of Rousseau’s View of Children
作者 胡君进(HU Jun-jin)
中文摘要 卢梭的儿童观作为教育史上一次哥白尼革命的地位正在遭到质疑。以儿童为中心的教育思想并非卢梭的首创,其只不过是一场因崇拜卢梭而虚构的人造神话。然而这样一种质疑忽视了卢梭儿童观的真正革命性,即一种上帝为教育立法的神义论原则。在卢梭这里,其试图将上帝的造人意志引入对儿童自身特性的理解,并将其聚焦到儿童身上的先验善意。先验善意作为儿童身上最初的自然性,是一种先于经验并超越于具体经验的原初意志,亦是人最先被造物主所赋予的东西。卢梭儿童观的最大革命性和特殊性就在于重视并依循儿童身上的先验善意,这既体现了上帝为教育立法的原则,也意味着现代教育有了真正的神义论基础。充分思考和澄清卢梭儿童观的内容、特点和影响,有助于推动丰富、多元的卢梭教育思想研究图景的形成。
英文摘要 Rousseau’s view of children as a Copernican Revolution in the history of education is being questioned. The idea of child-centered education is not Rousseau’s first creation,but an artificial myth created by the worship of Rousseau. However,such a query ignores the real revolutionary nature of Rousseau’s viewon children,that is a theological principle about God is the legislator of education. Here Rousseau tried to introduce the will of God into the understanding of children’s own characteristics and focused on the natural goodness of children. As the original nature of human beings,natural goodness is an original will that precedes experience and transcends concrete experience,and is also the first thing that human beings are endowed with by the Creator. The most remarkable revolutionary and particular feature of Rousseau’s view on children lies in attaching importance to and following the natural goodness in children,which not only reflects the principle that God is the legislator of education,but also means that modern education has a real basis of theodicy. Fully reflecting on and clarifying the contents characteristics and influences about Rousseau’s view of children,it will be helpful to promote the formation of a pluralistic research prospect of Rousseau’s educational thought.
頁次 005-017
關鍵詞 哥白尼革命 儿童 上帝为教育立法 先验善意 神义论 Copernican Revolution children God is the legislator of education natural goodness theodicy
卷期 17:4
日期 202008
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j. issn. 1005-2232.2020.04.001