

篇名 论为振兴乡村教育着力培养更多具备音体美教学素质的全科型教师
並列篇名 On Training More General Teachers with Music、Physical and Arts Teaching Quality for Revitalizing Rural Education
作者 郝文武(HAO Wen-wu)
中文摘要 办好教育既要有优良的设备,更需要优秀教师、教师队伍结构的优化。多年来,通过推进城乡教育均衡发展及其特岗教师、乡村教师补贴等措施,城乡学校教育设施均衡发展水平显著提高,乡村教师队伍建设明显加强,但结构性短缺非常严重,师范院校培养全科型教师的剧减与乡村小规模学校的大量长期存在,使得乡村学校音体美教师严重短缺。振兴乡村教育迫切需要增加教师编制,优化教师队伍结构,师范院校应为乡村学校努力培养和更多供给具备音体美教学素质的合格全科型教师;各级政府应提高乡村教师收入,增强教师在乡村学校任教的吸引力。
英文摘要 Good education needs not only excellent equipment, but also the optimization of excellent Teachers and the structure of teachers. Over the years, by advancing balanced development of the urban and rural education and its special subsidy measures such as teachers, rural teachers, school education facilities level increased significantly, the balanced development of urban and rural areas have a stronger rural teachers team construction, but the structural shortage is very serious, comprehensive type of normal colleges and universities teacher’s collapse and rural small schools of exist tor a long time, serious shortage makes beautiful village school music teachers. To revitalize rural education, it is urgent to raise the number of teachers and optimize the structure of the teaching staff. Governments at all levels should increase the income of rural teachers and become more attractive to teach in rural schools.
頁次 066-071
關鍵詞 乡村教育振兴 音体美教师 教学素质 全科型教师 rural education revitalization music、physical and arts teachers teaching quality general teacher CSSCI
卷期 32:4
日期 202007
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心