

篇名 臺灣中小學實驗教育政策之推動與現況分析
並列篇名 Experimental Education in Taiwan: An Analysis of Policies and Problems
作者 秦夢群(Joseph M. Chin) 、莊清寶(Ching-Pao Chuang)
中文摘要 為改善傳統學校教育過於僵化等缺失,臺灣自1990年起陸續出現許多另類教育的學校或機構,且自2014年11月制定公布實驗教育三法後,「另類教育」更得改以「實驗教育」之名義推動,逐漸擺脫非主流教育之意涵。本文除探討實驗教育三法等政策重點外,亦依教育部公布106學年度實驗教育名單等資料,整理出學校型態實驗教育、公立學校委託私人辦理及非學校型態實驗教育之校數及學生數等推動情形,並經探討其不同教育階段、公私立性質、區域類型及實驗類型等差異情形後,發現下列問題:一、實驗教育學生人數規模普遍較低,以致私立實驗教育學校收費過高或申辦意願低落;二、實驗教育畢業生繼續接受同類型實驗教育之後續升學銜接機會尚有不足;三、「實驗教育偏鄉化」的現象可能不利於實驗教育理念之推廣等。本文並提出相關策進建言,供主管機關參考。
英文摘要 In order to improve some problems in traditional school education, there are more and more schools and institutes of alternative education arise in Taiwan since 1990. Moreover, since three-type acts of experimental education were enacted in November 2014, this term of “alternative education” could be renamed to “experimental education” so that it could gradually get rid of the meaning of non-mainstream education. In this paper, the main policies of experimental education such as three-type acts of experimental education are discussed; furthermore, according to the list of experimental education in 2017-18 school year which are announced by Ministry of Education (R.O.C.), the numbers of schools and students of school-based experimental education, private management of public schools, and non-school-based experimental education are calculated and taken for results of the policies. Besides, after further analysis on their differences among different educational phases, school properties, types of area, and types of experiment, some problems are found as follows: 1. Student numbers in most schools of experimental education are smaller and restricted; moreover, it causes tuition and miscellaneous fees charged by private schools of experimental education become very expensive and few people have willingness to establish this kind of private school; 2. Students who graduated from schools of experimental education are lack of chances for following articulation pathway of similar experimental education ideas; 3. The phenomenon of “experimental education ruralization” may be disadvantaged for popularizing the ideas of experimental education. Some promoted suggestions are presented to the authorities for reference.
頁次 055-074
關鍵詞 另類教育 教育政策 實驗教育 alternative education educational policy experimental education
卷期 299
日期 201903
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019030299004