

篇名 後真相時代下的賦權知能~媒體素養課程設計之分享
並列篇名 The Empowerment of Media Literacy Competence in a Post-truth World - a Media Literacy Curriculum Designed for Gifted Students
作者 許芮瑄(Jui-Hsuan Hsu) 、吳孟育(Meng-Yu Wu)
中文摘要 在21世紀這樣一個科技進步、資訊爆炸的時代,資訊戰和媒體帶風向的情況已經成為生活中的常態。現在的青少年能夠更輕易、迅速的從網路上獲取大量的資訊,因此,對於現今的學生而言,具備媒體識讀的能力以及學習問題解決的過程便是一件十分重要的事情。本文旨在分享一個為資優生而設計的媒體素養課程。在本課程中,學生會先藉由前半段的課程,學習關於媒體識讀的基本概念,並且透過數次的課堂練習來加深概念。而在後半段的課程中,學生要學習一種創意的問題解決方法—設計思考(design thinking)。首先,學生會先進行一個由老師引導的小練習,在練習結束後,自己執行這個問題解決的策略,來產生一個日後可以幫助學生辨別假訊息的點子。
英文摘要 As we enter the 21st century – a world of information warfare, cyber war, and media framing, it is time when advances in technology are making it easier and faster for teenagers to access information in a short time. Thus media literacy and problem solving skills are more important for gifted students than ever in today’s world of constant messaging. This article aimed to share a media literacy curriculum designed for gifted students. The curriculum was a whole day class with two parts. In the first part, students learned about the basic knowledge of media literacy and gained deeper understanding in several class activities. In the second part, students were introduced to a creative problem-solving strategy—Design Thinking, created by David Kelley, the founder of IDEO and Stanford d. school. Not all entire curriculum of Design Thinking has been implemented because of limited time; instead, we only adopted the third stage and a simplified fourth stage into the second part. After the first practice led by the teacher, gifted students then implemented the two stages on their own in order to generate the idea which would be beneficial for them to tell true information from the fake one.
頁次 025-032
關鍵詞 資優課程設計 媒體識讀 資優生 gifted curriculum design media literacy gifted student
卷期 155
日期 202104
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.202104_(155).25-32