

篇名 一位近高齡男性海洛因成癮/販賣者之停藥循環歷程、家人互動關係敘說探究
並列篇名 A Narrative Study of the Drug Withdrawal Cycle and the Family Interaction of a Near Elderly Male Heroin Addict/ Trafficker
作者 鄭青玫(Ching-Mei Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究以一位近高齡男性之海洛因成癮、販賣行為之停藥循環歷程、家庭互動做敘說訪談研究,採發展、性別、華人觀點分析之,研究發現如下:(1)青年期,好奇下用毒,內化的社會汙名影響產生自我汙名(吸毒者負向自我認同);(2)青壯期,冒險販毒主為籌錢用毒、期獲取成功男性認同,此時期,自我汙名隱而未顯;(3)中年與近高齡兩次停毒,身處監獄產生邊界處境省思,影響停毒、停販。第一次停毒近五年,首次復發,自我汙名感更深;第二次長期停毒迄今,其自我汙名仍深,但開始正向微轉化。用毒歷程之家人互動:家人懷疑監看勸解離毒,其陽奉陰違使衝突循環不斷;呈現配偶強力介入卻影響微小的父權性別特徵;全家隱匿難求助;用毒沉痾重創家庭,重建信任仍是停毒多年後家庭復原之主題。根據發現對藥癮介入研究與實務提出建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to understand a middle-aged heroin addict’s family interaction and his cycle process of drug addicting, drug trafficking, and withdrawal. A narrative approach is adopted and the data from in-depth interviews were collected. Three frameworks, including developmental, gender and Chinese perspectives, are formed to analyze the interview data. The findings are as follows: (1) Early Adulthood: Out of curiosity, he started using illegal drugs and then became addicted. At this point, internalized social stigma led to self-stigma (negative self-identity). (2) Midlife: The reasons he took a risk for drug trafficking was two-folded. One was to raise money for drug use; the other was to win recognition as a successful male identity. Self-stigma was hidden during the drug trafficking period. (3) Near Mature Adulthood: Drug withdrawal took place twice at this period of time. The time he spent behind bars gave him space to trigger self-reflection, which affected drug withdrawal and stopped drug trafficking. The first period of drug withdrawal lasted for 5 years after the release of prison; yet his self-stigma worsened when drug use relapsed. At present, his self-stigma has been turning positive since his second long-term drug withdrawal, although it is still present and ingrained. The traits of the family interaction are as below: (a) His family members’ suspicion, distrust, and surveillance caused constant conflicts in a vicious circle. (b) Gender issues in the framework of patriarchy were exhibited when his wife’s strong intervention of his drug use was in vain. (c) The whole family saw themselves as one and the social stigma of his drug addiction prevented the family from seeking help. (d) Although the case has stopped using the drug for many years, rebuilding trust is still the major issue for family recovery. According to the findings, suggestions are made for future researches as well as practical workers in drug addiction intervention.
頁次 071-104
關鍵詞 年長男性 家人互動 海洛因 販毒 停藥 a near elderly male drug trafficker drug withdrawal family interaction Heroin TSCI
卷期 43:3
日期 202111
刊名 輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
DOI 10.3966/181815462021114303003