

篇名 素養導向國中資優國文全球教育課程設計與實踐
並列篇名 Competency-Based Curriculum Design and Practice of Global Education with Chinese Literature for Gifted Students in Junior High School
作者 顏瓊雯(Chyong-Wen Yan)
中文摘要 素養導向學習強調以學生為中心,經由自主學習、溝通互動及連結真實情境,使學生產生知識遷移,以適應生活。而多元文化與國際理解不但是十二年國教的核心素養之一,亦是全球化的現代生活必需的知能。故筆者以主題跨域統整的方式,以全球教育的內涵之一——民主、人權設計國中資優國文的主題課程,讓學生經由自主學習以建構知識、小組討論探究暨教師引導補充、參與國際及社會行動三階段完成素養導向的全球教育課程。經學生的自我評分及質性回饋,證實素養導向的確能使學生產生學習遷移,建構適應生活能力。而全球教育的課程內容亦可拓展學生的國際視野及提升其國際理解,增進學生參與國際活動的能力。
英文摘要 The emphasis on student-centered learning is on the transfer of knowledge through self-directed learning, communication and interaction, and linking to real-life situations to adapt to life. Multiculturalism and international understanding are not only one of the core competencies of the curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education, but also a necessary knowledge for the globalized modern life. Therefore, the author used a cross-domain integration of themes to design the Chinese curriculum for the gifted students, which is based on democracy and human rights, one of the connotations of global education, and allows students to complete the competency-based global education curriculum through three stages: independent learning to construct knowledge, group discussion and inquiry with teacher guidance, and participation in international and social actions. Students’ self-assessment and qualitative feedback confirmed that the competency orientation did enable them to learn to migrate and build adaptive skills, and that the global education curriculum also expanded students’ international perspective and understanding and enhanced their ability to participate in international activities.
頁次 001-012
關鍵詞 素養導向課程 全球教育 資優國文課程 competency-based curriculum global education Chinese literature for gifted students
卷期 155
日期 202104
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.202104_(155).1-12