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篇名 臺灣正向領導的研究成果分析
並列篇名 The Research Analysis of the Positive Leadership in Taiwan
作者 謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)
中文摘要 本研究目的為歸納臺灣有關正向領導的實徵研究,並分析研究對象、方法、實施狀況及成效。本研究結果發現:一、正向領導的研究對象多數集中於小學、國中及幼兒園的教師;二、研究方法以量化問卷調查最多,尤其是針對國中小及幼兒園教師進行問卷調查,少有以訪談法、個案研究法及德懷術,也缺乏以行動研究與焦點團體訪談的取向;三、實施狀況良好,但不同研究有不同偏重,需更多研究加以確認,特別是正向領導的理想程度與實際表現的落差狀況;四、實施成效凸顯校長正向領導對學校效能、創新經營與組織發展關係緊密,且彼此產生相互影響。最後,本研究提供教學實務現場有更多實踐正向領導的方向,以及啟發未來研究對正向領導議題的探討與關注。
英文摘要 The aims of the research would explore the current positive leadership in Taiwan. And then, we analyzed the research objects, methods, implementation status and effectiveness of positive leadership. We found that: (1) the research objects of positive leadership most focused on the primary school, junior high school and preschool teachers; (2) the research methods of positive leadership concentrated on the questionnaire. Most of questionnaire proceeded to the primary school, junior high school and preschool teachers. Besides, there were few research methods with interview method, case study and the Delphi technique, as well as the action research, focus group; (3) the current implementation status was good. But different research would take to one-sidedly emphasize concepts of positive leadership. We needed to make more researches to confirm with ideal degree of positive leadership and actual performance gap situation; (4) the implementation effectiveness showed the principal positive leadership was related to the effectiveness of school, innovation management and organizational development. Finally, the research would provide for the on-site teaching more positive leadership practice directions and enlighten future research to pay attention to the positive leadership.
頁次 019-034
關鍵詞 正向領導 成果分析 校長領導 領導 學校效能 positive leadership results analysis principal leadership leadership effectiveness of school
卷期 317
日期 202009
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020090317002