

篇名 行動載具應用於國小跨領域健康體位專題式課程教學歷程與成效之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Implementation Process and Effectiveness of Mobile Devices Applied to Elementary School Cross-disciplinary Healthy Posture Project-based Courses
作者 張美珍(Mei-Chen Chang) 、郭晴之(Ching-Chih Kuo) 、黃瓊儀(Chiung-Yi Huang)
中文摘要 本研究將行動載具應用於跨領域課程,以「健康小達人」為題設計一國小六年級的專題式課程,期能導正學童的健康概念,落實具體的健康行動。研究採準實驗研究設計,以高雄市青青國小(化名)六年級2個班級為研究對象,隨機選取一班實驗組(n=24),另一班為控制組(n=23),其中實驗組運用行動載具進行跨領域專題式課程,而控制組則採傳統授課方式進行相同的跨領域專題課程,課程於健康課、綜合活動、自然課進行,為期10週共20節課。研究者於課程實施前比較兩個班級的健康成績及課程實施後之健康認知概念測驗,透過單因子共變數分析評估學生健康概念認知的學習成效,另以學生在課程實施前、後的身體質量指數值的差異評估其落實健康的行動成效。本研究同時透過學生的學習心得感想、訪談紀錄、教師教學歷程中的觀察和家長的回饋意見等蒐集質性資料,瞭解行動載具應用於國小跨領域健康體位專題式課程的實施歷程與成效。研究結果顯示:運用行動載具的「健康小達人」專題式課程相較於傳統的教學方式,確實有效提升學生健康概念的認知並促進學生健康體位的改善,且能有效引導學生將知識內化為具體行動,解決生活情境中的問題。本研究結果應可作為國小教師在運用新興科技融入教學進行素養導向教學設計的重要參考。
英文摘要 This study applied mobile devices to cross-disciplinary courses, and designed a project for the sixth grade of a primary school under the theme of “little healthy master” with the aim of guiding students' health concepts and implementing specific health actions. Adopting a quasi-experimental study design and taking two classes of the sixth grade in Qingqing Elementary School (pseudonym) as the research subjects, this study randomly selected one class as an experimental group (n=24) and the other class as the control group (n=23). The experimental group used mobile devices to conduct cross-disciplinary project while the control group adopted traditional teaching methods. In the experiment, 20 lessons courses were implemented for 10 weeks, including health lessons, comprehensive activities and nature classes. Researchers compared the Health scores of the two classes before the course implementation and the tests of the cognition on the concept of health for the classes after the course implementation, through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to evaluate the learning effectiveness of students' cognition on the concept of health. The difference in body mass index (BMI) values before and after the course implementation was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of healthy. The study also collected qualitative data such as students' learning experience interview record, observation in the teaching process of teachers and feedback from parents to understand the implementation process and effectiveness of mobile devices applied to elementary school cross-disciplinary healthy posture project-based courses. The research results show that compared with traditional teaching methods, the application of mobile devices to “little healthy master” thematic courses really improves the students' cognition on the concept of health and facilitates the improvement of students' healthy posture; applying the mobile devices to the special course of “little healthy master” can effectively guide students to internalize knowledge into concrete actions to solve problems in life situations. The results of this study can be an important reference for elementary school teachers in the process of integrating emerging technologies into teaching to conduct the literacy-oriented teaching design.
頁次 001-026
關鍵詞 行動載具 素養導向教學 健康體位 跨領域課程 mobile device literacy-oriented teaching healthy posture cross-disciplinary courses
卷期 52
日期 202206
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學