

篇名 十九世紀初美國麻州師資培育的形成與發展
並列篇名 The Formation and Development of Teacher Education in the Early 19th Century Massachusetts, United States
作者 顏于智(Yu-Chih Yen)
中文摘要 本文旨在探討十九世紀初麻州師資培育的發展歷史,透過歷史研究與文件檔案分析方法,用以了解麻州師資培育發展過程中所面對的困難及其衍生爭議事件始末。研究有幾點發現:(1)十九世紀初以前麻州師資培育的問題缺失深受宗教傳統、教育經費、教師聘任機制等因素影響;(2)James G. Carter(1795-1849)提出設專責師資培育機構的構想;(3)Charles Brooks(1795-1872)建議仿效普魯士教育經驗,並訴願請求設立麻州州立師範學校;(4)Horace Mann(1796-1859)為設立麻州州立師範學校並解決其相關爭議的關鍵人物;(5)麻州州教育委員會與麻州師範學校受到政治的力量干預,一度遭逢廢除危機;(6)Cyrus Peirce(1790-1860)所經營的麻州州立師範學校展現出麻州師資培育邁向教育專業發展的特色。本研究貢獻在於根據研究結果,提出臺灣師資培育未來方展之建議方向:(1)調和不同師資培育管道之優勢,落實教師專業發展藍圖;(2)聚焦師資培育學術研究,形塑師資培育實踐之典範重鎮;(3)參酌全球教育視野,立基本土環境文化,厚植臺灣師資培育專業發展。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to explore the history of the formation and development of teacher education in the early 19th century Massachusetts, United States. Through adapting historical research and documentary research, this study intends to understand the difficulties and controversies faced in teacher education reform in Massachusetts. The findings are as follows. First, the problems and deficiencies of teacher education before the beginning of the nineteenth century in Massachusetts were deeply affected by religious traditions, educational funding, and teacher recruitment mechanisms. Second, James G. Carter (1795-1849) proposed establishing a specific teacher training institution. Third, Charles Brooks (1795-1872) suggested imitating Prussian education experience and petitioned to establish Massachusetts state normal school. Fourth, Horace Mann (1796-1859) was the key figure in establishing the Massachusetts state normal school and resolving its related disputes. Fifth, the Massachusetts State Board of Education and the Massachusetts normal school were intervened by political factors and once encountered abolition crisis. Sixth, The Massachusetts state normal school operated by Cyrus Peirce (1790-1860) manifested the characteristic of the development of Massachusetts teacher training toward professionalization. This study proposes suggestions for future development of teacher training in Taiwan: First, reconciling the advantages of different teacher training channels and implementing a blueprint for teacher professional development. Second, focus academic research on teacher training and shaping a model institution for teacher training practice. Third, cultivate Taiwan teachers’ professional development based on domestic culture and environment, bearing global educational perspectives.
頁次 083-124
關鍵詞 文化借用 公共教育 師資培育 師範學校 教育史 common school education cultural borrowing history of education normal school teacher education TSSCI
卷期 34:2
日期 202112
刊名 教育實踐與研究
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學