

篇名 誰升學?誰就業?誰失業?大學畢業生出路之探討
並列篇名 Who Goes to Graduates Schools? Who Gets Employed or Unemployed? Exploring the Career Destinations of College Graduates
作者 田弘華(Tien, Hung-hua) 、田芳華(Tien, Flora F.)
中文摘要 本文旨在探討影響大學畢業生「誰繼續升學、誰就業和誰失業」的問題。本研究運用台灣高等教育資料庫大學畢業生問卷調查資料,採取多項勝算對數模型進行分析,主要發現分兩大類說明:一、升學與就業相比,當其他變項條件相同時,則(一)男女有別,男性繼續升學的機率較高;(二)父母教育程度高者,其子女升學機率較大;(三)修習輔系者傾向於就業;(四)一般公立大學畢業生升學的機率較私立大學為高;但技職院校之公私立學校別並無差異;(五)學業成績高者傾向於繼續升學,而成績較低者傾向就業;(六)與修習商學者相比,理科和工科的畢業生升學機率較高;(七)具備工讀經驗者順利就業之機會較高。一般大學畢業生擁有職業證照者傾向於就業,但是否擁有職業證照對於技職院校生升學或就業之影響並不明顯。二、就業與失業相比,在其他變項條件相同情況下,發現(一)男性失業機率較高;(二)修輔系者之就業機率較高,但是否雙主修並無影響;(三)一般大學之公立學校畢業生失業機率比私立學校來得高,但技職院校之公私立別無顯著差異;(四)擁有職業證照的一般大學畢業生失業機率較低,但技術證照擁有與否對技職校院者並無差異。
英文摘要 This paper investigates the issue of study-work choices of college graduates. Using the Taiwan Higher Education Database Graduate Survey, this paper employs multinominal logit model to explore the correlates influencing career destinations of college graduates. Key results show that: (1) Comparing outcomes between study and employment, students are more likely to go to graduate school if (a) students are male, or (b) their parents receive more education, or (c) students have a minor major, or (d) students graduate from public universities rather than private universities, or (e) students have better academic performance, or (f) their majors are engineering and science, or (g) students do not have working experience, or (h) students graduate from general universities without professional certificates. (2) Comparing outcomes between unemployment and employment, students are more likely to get unemployed if (a) students are male, or (b) students do not have a minor major, or (c) students graduate from public universities rather than private universities, or (d) students graduate from general universities without professional certificates.
頁次 33-62
關鍵詞 大學生 生涯選擇 高等教育 Career choice College students Higher education TSSCI
卷期 11:4
日期 200811
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所