

篇名 青少年對休閒活動看法之研究
作者 張酒雄 、邱祖賢 、鍾蔚起 、郭丁熒 、羅瑞玉 、楊景堯
中文摘要      本研究採用文獻分析、訪談及問卷調查方法,探討青少年對休閒活動的看法。其目的有四:(一)探討青少年對休閒活動的選擇情形。(二)探討青少年選擇休閒活動主要影響因素。(三)探討青少年選擇喜好的休閒活動之理由。(四)探討青少年對學校休閒活動指導方式之看法。 研究調查臺北市、高雄市及臺灣省之公立高中職學生,計十二所高一學生共1027名。研究結果採用次數分配,t考驗及單因子變異數等統計分析,考驗假設。其結果如下:(一) 青少年目前的休閒活動內容,最普遍的依序分別是:聽音樂或廣播、打球、看電視(含錄影帶),看小說書報雜誌、打電動玩具等等。(二) 關於青少年選擇休閒活動的理由,主要依序分別是:為了放鬆心情,獲得樂趣,以及獲得知識經驗。(三) 男生在選擇休閒活動的理由上,在「增進健康」與「獲得收入」明顯高於女生;而女生鄉「獲得知識經驗」與「放鬆心情」上,則明顯高於男生。(四) 依學校類別看,高中學生選擇休閒活動的理由,在「獲得樂趣」上高於高職學生;而高職學生鄉「獲得友誼」、「獲得收入」與「跟隨流行」等三項,則明顯高於高中學生。(五) 青少年選擇休閒活動的理由,並不會因為家庭社經背景的不同,或是日常零用錢的多寡,而有明顯的差異。(六) 影響青少年選擇休閒活動的主要來源因素,依序分別是:「自我決定」,同學(朋友)、父母、兄弟姊妹、老師。其中,老師是最不具影響力量的。(七) 青少年希望學校提供休閒活動的指導方式,依序分別是:充實休閒活動刊物,設置休閒教育專欄,老師在上課中提示指導等。
英文摘要 The methods of this study are: documents analysis, Interview, questionnaire investigation. Threr are four purposes: to see how the senior school students select their leisure activities; to see the influencial factors; too see their reasons in selecting their leisure activities and to see their views on the schools; instructing ways. The sample were gathered from Taipei City, Kaohsiung City and Taiwan Province 12 general high schools and vocational high schools 1027 students. Conclusions: 1.the main leisure activities of high school students are: listen to music; ball sports; TV; manazines; electronic toy maching. 2.The reasons were: for relax; for fun; for obtain knowledge. 3.The reasons of male students were thnds to be more “for health and for income” than female students. the female students were more “for knowledge and for relax” than male students. 4.The main different frasons between general high school students and vocational high school students were: gerenal high school students were more for fun, and vocational high school students were more for friendship, for income and for fashion. 5.The reasons of their leisure activities were no significant difference between family social economic status of their daily money. 6.The main influence factors were: myself; classmates; parents; brothers/sisters; teachers. 7.Their wish for schools: more journals of leisure activities; setting leisure education plank; teachers instruct in the class.
頁次 107-144
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系