

篇名 班都拉[Albert Bandura]社會學習論及其在道德教學上的意義
作者 徐俊民
中文摘要      本文主要目的在於探討班都拉的社會學習理論中之「觀察學習論」、「交互決定論」和「自我效能論」三種基本論點,並由之思考其可提供吾人在道德教學上參考之處。觀察學習論須有「注意」「保留」「行為制造」「動機」等四種歷程,方能有效地學習;交互決定論,認為環境因素、個人因素與行為三者會交互影響。這樣的論點,令吾人不會單以一個因素就斷定行為的成因;自我效能論,認為自我效能的高低,取決於對內在自我能力與外在問題情境的了解。倘能使三種論點有效配合,則整個學習過程較能順利地進行。
英文摘要 This is a Tentative Plan which aimed at the improvement of teaching in the junior high school. The success of this plan is highly dependent on the teachers’ teaching behavior in the classroom.    The purposes of this study were:    1.to analysis the studies of teachers’ teaching behavior and its factors.    2.to investigate whether or not there were differences between tentative and general groups in teachers’ teaching behavior.    Participants in this study were 2889 students from tentative and general groups in the junior high school in Taipei. Data were analysised by two-way MANOVA of GLM. Six factors implicated in teachers’ teaching behavior were investigated: teaching attitude, materials, method, evaluation, classroom management and school life satisfaction.    The major findings of this study were as following:    (1)There were significant on groups and grades interaction effect (Λ=0.9902, p<0.001).    (2)the interaction effect was caused by the significant differences in teaching method and evaluation.    (3)The teaching method and evaluation of the tentative groups were better than those of general groups.    (4)No significant differences were found between tentative and general groups in teaching attitude, materials, classroom management and school life satisfaction.
頁次 407-416
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系