

篇名 利益團體對教育政策制定之影響及因應之道:以馬來西亞新「數理教學英語化」政策遭逢之挑戰為例
並列篇名 Coping with the Power Play of the Interest Groups in Education Policy-Making: A Lesson Learned from the Challenges Encountered by Malaysis New English for Teaching Math and Science Policy
作者 李秀芬(Jou, Helen)
中文摘要 教育政策的制定,常是利益團體和政治權力之間角力糾葛的過程。檢視馬來西亞「數理教學英語化」新教育政策之決策過程,可以清楚看出利益團體、政黨競爭、行政首長單一決策及政治的角力等因素透過權力運作的交互影響,使原本動機單純的提升英語能力之教育政策決策過程複雜化,導致民心焦慮不安而付出昂貴的社會成本。在此一過程中,馬來西亞華社為捍衛以華語為教學語言之立場而杯葛新政策,運用對政府部門、民意代表及一般民眾的直接、間接遊說及影響力,以形成輿論壓力,達成牽制新政策之目的,以影響教育政策的制定。本文藉回溯過去五十年來馬來西亞華社在政府教學語政策上之多方牽制,而造成教育政策之制定因之而修訂或擱置之歷史,相對照於本次「數理教學英語化」新教育政策所引發再一次的對峙與角力經驗及其結果,析論利益團體對教育政策制定之影響,並歸納出對利益團體運作應有之因應措施以為建議,作為我國教育政策制定之參考。
英文摘要 The process of the making of the educational policy is often the battlefield of the interest groups and the political powers. Investigating the policy-making process of Malaysia’s new “English for Teaching Math and Science” policy reveals clearly the complex interaction through power play amongst the interest groups,political parties and the lead administrators of the country. The original English-proficiency -promoting policy was interpreted differently, and consequently the apprehension of the Chinese ethnic groups was aroused and the society was disturbed. During this process, the Chinese ethnic groups in Malaysia, for the purpose of ensuring the mother tongue of their ancestors to be legally protected against present or future threat of diminishing, sought to revise the new policy before it became finalized and adopted. Through its influence on the government, the congress and the general public, the Chinese ethnic groups formed a forceful public opinion to hinder and eventually successfully curbed the new policy. This article recalls the history of the Chinese ethnic groups’ definite impact on the policy of language choice in subject teaching for the past 50 years, and the consequent modification or cancellation of the past educational policies. With the historical experience in comparison with the recent “English for Teaching Math and Science” policy, and the political and social disturbance aroused, this article discusses and analyzes the role and effect of interest groups, and compiles suggestions for coping with the power play of the interest groups in the process of in educational policy-making.
頁次 107-127
關鍵詞 利益團體 數理教學英語化 English for teaching math and science Interest group TSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200308
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所