

篇名 美国批判教育学的道德教育思想述评
並列篇名 A Review of moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy in the U.S.
作者 郑富兴
中文摘要 批判教育学是当代西方重要的教育思潮。国内对此已有不少的介绍,但是对于批判教育学的道德教育思想却根本没有谈及。批判教育学的道德教育话语具有特殊性。他们批评现行学校道德教育是一种培养服从与维系社会现状的道德教育。据此,批判教育学者强调培养学生的转化美德观,这是通过学校隐蔽课程批判来实现的。我国学校道德教育的研究与实践应该关注道德教育的批判性。
英文摘要 The critical pedagogy is an important school of educational thoughts in the west. Many articles introduce it but do not mention the moral education ideas in the critical pedagogy. Moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy are unique. Their whole attack on Western culture, particularly American capitalism, is a moral critique and there is moral indignation in the critical pedagogy. The liberationist criticize that moral education practiced in school is actually a way to reward obedience and maintain the social status quo. According to liberationist, students will acquire the transformative virtues by criticizing the hidden curriculum in schooling. The thoughts on moral education in the critical pedagogy are dangerous for liberalist, but these thoughts are significant to the research and practice of our moral education, that is: we should pay attention to the critical feature of moral education.
頁次 10-14
關鍵詞 批判教育学 道德教育 美国 美德 隐蔽课程 the critical pedagogy moral education USA virtues hidden curriculum CSSCI
卷期 28:10
日期 200710
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所