

篇名 2003年臺灣地區教育政策與實施成效調查
並列篇名 2003 Survey of the Public's Attitudes toward the Educational Policy and Its Effects of Implementation in Taiwan
作者 張鈿富(Chang, Dian-fu) 、葉連祺(Yeh, Lain-chyi)
中文摘要 本研究目的在分析台灣民眾對教育政策實施問題的看法,提供主管教育行政部門施政之參考。調查對象為台灣地區年滿20歲的民眾,使用暨南大學CATI2000電話訪問調查系統,由電腦隨機抽取台澎金馬地區1,069個樣本,調查其對當前主要教育政策、教育實施成效、中小學面臨的主要教育問題等20個議題的看法。教育政策的實施成效需要調查,以利於發現問題,研提改善措施,進而提升教育品質。
英文摘要 In order to find educational problems and study methods for improving, the effects of educational policies are necessary to be surveyed. The purposes of this survey are reflected on the public's attitudes toward the current educational policies and their effects of implementation in Taiwan. Using the CATI 2000 telephone interview technique, we interview 1,069 adult in 25 cities and countries in Taiwan. The 20 questions in this survey covered the current main educational policies and some important educational issues suffering in the elementary and secondary schools. And the final report posts in the Educational Policy Forum in the homepage of the Department of Educational Policy and Administration, National Chi Nan University.
頁次 1-18
關鍵詞 教育成效 教育政策 Educational effect Educational policy TSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200402
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所