

篇名 新制独立学院概念及其本质特征:基于产权的分析
並列篇名 The Analyze of Concept and Essential Feature of Private College in Public University Based on Property Right
作者 朱军文
中文摘要 本文认为新制独立学院是公立高等学校与其它生产要素所有者为生产相互同意的教育服务而把自有资源组合在一起,根据各自比较优势进行分工并约定按各自投入的资源比例分享实际收益的一种合约。产权是区分新制独立学院与其它高等教育办学组织的核心标准。新制独立学院具有与其它高等教育办学组织不同的产权结构,这是新制独立学院的本质特征所在。
英文摘要 Private college in public university is a contract designed by public university and other productive factors owners in order to produce agreeable common educational service. By carrying the contact the public university and other productive factors owners put their advantageous resources together and share the profit according to the proportion of their resources for the investment. The sign to distinguish Private College in Public Universities and other higher educational organizations is the difference of the structure of property rights, which mainly come from the educational institution innovation.
頁次 63-65
關鍵詞 新制独立学院 产权 概念 本质特征 Private college in public university property rights concept essential feature CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200409
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學