

篇名 在线教育:从机遇增长,到融入主流、稳歩发展 ─ 美国在线高等教育系列调查评估对我国网络教育发展的启示
並列篇名 Online Learning:From Sizing the Opportunity to Enter the Mainstream and Growing by Degrees ─ The Inspiration from the Evaluation of American Onlilne Learning in 2003, 2004 and 2005
作者 张满才 、丁新
中文摘要 “在线教育”这种基于现代计算器网络的全新学习环境随着现代信息技术的发展正在成为现代教育系统中重要的组成部分。通过对美国”在线教育”质量和规模的评估报告的分析可以使人们清醒地认识其发展的现状,并把握预测和规划未来发展的依据。美国斯罗恩在线教育中心在巴博森和弗兰克林.西奥林工程学院合作下于2003、2004、2005连续三年对在线教育的质量和规模进行了评估,并分别发表了题为”正在增加的机遇”、”正在进入主流”和”稳歩发展”的三份调查报告。这三次评估所获得的数据对于我国规划和管理网络教育有一定的借鉴意义。
英文摘要 Online education, the new educational environment based on the internet, is booming with the development of the information technology. It is becoming one of the most important components in the educational system. The evaluation of the quality and extent of online education can give us a clear cognition of its process of development and provide us with the gist to predict and program its future. In the fall of 2003, 2004 and 2005, the Sloan Center for On─Line Education (SCOLE)collocated at Basbon College and Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering evaluated the quality and extent of on─line education in the United States, resulting in the three reports, Sizing, the Opportunity, Entering the Mainstream and Growing by Degrees The data they got from the surveys might be valuable for us to manage and plan the network─education in China.
頁次 10-17
關鍵詞 quality and scale evaluation online learning online education 质量和规模 网络教育 评估 在线教育 CSSCI
卷期 12:2
日期 200604
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學