

篇名 海德格的存有論及其對教育之啟示
作者 魏慧美
中文摘要      本研究以文獻分析及哲理探討的方法,首先探討海德格之存有論的主要概念,進而根據海德格存有論的精義,導引出對我國教育目的、內容、方法之啟示。海德格重提存有的問題,把一向遭人遺忘的存有問題,重新發掘它的意義,且透過具體事物-小存有來說明存有的含義,其中又以存有與人、存有與上帝、有、時間與歷史等部分來分析存有的內容著墨最多。也由此將人類存有的涵義,透過「存有與時間」一書予以呈現,說明了人的本質係在存在的狀態之中,而人就存在於過去、現在、未來的時間之內,在時間的變遷中不斷創造與超越,透過誠真性之追求而找到自我。對教育之啟示有三:一、 在教育目的方面:(重視個性的發展,但也不忽略社會與環境的重要性;(教育的目的是不斷創造的;(教育的目的在追尋自我。二、 在教育內容方面:(要能不斷更新與超越;(要關注於命運的走向。三、 在教育方法方面:(重視反省、思辯能力之訓練及培養;(激發個人的創造性;(面對問題、解決問題。
英文摘要 The study explores Martin Heidegger’s implication of Being, then it suggests three implications—educational purpose, teaching method and educational content. Heidegger brought up the problem of “Being” again, and used the specific object--“being” to explain the implication of “Being”, esplically in “Being and being”, “Being and God”, “Being, time and history”. We could get those implications from Heidegger’s work—“Being and time”. The essence of human beings exists in “being” and human being exists in the time of past, now and future. In the vicissitudes of time keeps creating and surpassing unceasingly, and through authenticity to find self. It’s implication concludes three domains as follows: 1. In educational purpose: (1) Education must emphasize purpose of individual and society; (2) Te purpose of education is to lead to creat unceasing; (3) Education must guide students to find themselves.
2. In educational content: (1) Educational content must renew and surpass unceasing; (2) Educational content must concern with the trend of destiny. 3. In teaching method: (1) Teacher must emphasize to train and develop the students’ rethinking and critical thinking ability; (2) Teacher should stimulate students’ creative ability; (3) Teacher must encourage students face to reality and resolve problems.
頁次 199-215
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系