

篇名 九年一貫課程政策的執行困境與對策:政策設計觀點
並列篇名 The Implementation Predicament and the Solutions of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy
作者 簡宏江(Chien, Hung-chiang)
中文摘要 本文旨在藉由政策設計理論的探討,剖析九年一貫課程政策的執行困境,包括:一、標的團體的涵蓋性不足與認定偏誤;二、政策工具配套與組合不足;三、執行策略的矛盾與脫節;四、理論效度不足;五、政策設計過程回應性不足,並針對這些困境提出:一、妥適選擇標的,營造夥伴關係;二、工具組合配套,啟動改變能量;三、建立互動規則,形塑執行體制:四、建立政策架構,強化配套措施;五、建立對話機制,形塑信任之感等五項強化政策執行力之道。
英文摘要 The Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy intends to improve human capital and the national competitiveness. However, after a period of two years of the implementation, many goals have not been achieved yet. This research is to investigate the implementation predicament of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy in terms of the policy design theory. More particularly, through a thorough review of how the policy has been implemented, this paper identifies a set of factors which prevent the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy from being implemented successfully. In the concluding part, this paper proposes 5 mechanisms to advance the performance of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Policy.
頁次 19-40
關鍵詞 九年一貫課程 政策執行 政策設計 Grade 1-9 curriculum policy Policy design Policy implementation TSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200402
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所