

篇名 利用校園論壇加強學習支持服務的研究
並列篇名 Strengthen Study Support Service through Campus BBS
作者 趙楓 、王國清 、張晨
中文摘要 上海电大的”十万师生网上行”论坛自运行以来,组合了各种活动,开展了各类网上竞赛,加强了学校、教师、学生之间的沟通。要进一步发挥网上论坛的作用,可以整合相关网上教学资源,融教学与娱乐一体,构建一个虚拟的学习社区,并利用其强大的交互性和教与学的灵活性,为学生提供更多更好的支持服务。
英文摘要 In the aspects of the student’s study support, campus BBS can work out the student’s problems through network. At the same time, campus BBS can strengthen ownership feeling and approbation of students. The campus BBS of Shanghai TV University organized various games through network, and strengthened the communication of school and teachers and the students. To make further use of campus BBS, we can integrate teaching resources to construct vitual learning community. The agility of vitual learning community can provide better study support service.
頁次 110-112
關鍵詞 study support service learning community campus BBS 學習支持服務 學習社區 校園論壇 CSSCI
卷期 13:7
日期 200706
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學