

篇名 素质教育值得注意的几个问题
並列篇名 Considering Several Problems Emerged in Education for Quality
作者 陆有铨
中文摘要 素质教育是中国基础教育改革与发展的必然趋势。但是,学校教育中的角色化而非社会化、竞争而非合作的实践取向,将不利于学生主动性的发挥、个性的形成和心理的健康,使学生失去道德发展的内在动力,缺乏合作精神和能力。同时,学校生活中的一些违背教育目的非道德因素也将阻碍素质教育的发展。
英文摘要 Education for Quality is an inevitable trend of the reform and the development in Chinese elementary education. But some problems have emerged in cultivating students, such as emphasis on students’ role─acting instead of socialization, focus on competition instead of cooperation. These practices will have disadvantages in students’ exerting of initiation, shaping of personality and healthy psychology. As a result, students will lose the inner dynamics for moral development, and a consciousness of cooperation and the ability to cooperate. Non─moral factors in the school’s daily life will also violate the aims of elementary education, and eventually will hinder the progress of Education for Quality.
頁次 5-9
關鍵詞 素质教育 students’ development socialization role─acting education for quality 学生发展 社会社 角色化 CSSCI
卷期 1:3
日期 200307
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學