

篇名 高中職教育資源投入之比較分析
並列篇名 A Comparative Analysis of the Input of Educational Resources in Taiwan's Academic and Vocational Education
作者 廖年淼(Lyau, Nyan-myau) 、劉孟珊(Liu, Meng-shan)
中文摘要 教育機會是否均等,長久以來受到學者的關注,然而文獻上針對我國分流教育實施下,高中職學生享受資源及負擔成本均等性問題的探討卻不多見,有鑑於此,本文蒐集政府出版之次級資料,就分流教育體系中的生師比、教師學歷、學生單位成本、以及學雜費等指標深入分析比較,藉以瞭解高中職學生教育過程的機會均等性。研究結果發現,進入高職學校就讀的每位學生平均要比每位高中生負擔近1.5倍學雜費就學成本,但高職學校的生師比、教師學歷、與投注於每生的單位成本方面所能享用的資源卻都顯著的低於普通高中。這個發現顯示台灣分流教育體系的資源分配並不符合公義與公平原則,出身已屬劣勢的技職教育體系學生,享用較為匱乏的資源與擔負比較昂貴的學費,可能不利於技職學生的社會流動,因此政府應該採取補償性措施給予技職教育體系更多資源。最後,本研究的發現將也有助於解釋為何台灣的分流教育對於兩個教育體系對其畢業生的職位、學歷、與收入等「教育結果」的取得有顯著的影響。
英文摘要 Issues regarding equality of educational opportunity have long been highly regarded all over the world. However, research relating equality of educational resources input and tuition costs for academic/vocational high schools’ students in Taiwan were not sufficient to fully understand how tracking educational system has been resulted into an inequality of educational resources allocation. This study, therefore, seeks to compare educational resources shared by academic/vocational students in terms of the ratio of student to instructor, instructor’s schooling, as well as average tuition costs. Secondary data were gathered from the Government’s publications and electrical data banks. The findings has shown that, on average, each vocational student was not only likely to pay higher tuition costs due to higher proportion of private vocational schools in Taiwan, but also receiving less educational resources. The implication of this finding suggests that the allocation of educational resources does not match “justice” and “equity” in a post-industrial society. Furthermore, it may hinder social mobility of vocational students. The Government should take affirmative actions to balance, if not more, educational resources allocation to the vocational tracking educational system.
頁次 41-58
關鍵詞 分流教育 教育機會均等 職業教育 Equality of educational opportunity Tracking educational system Vocational edcuation TSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200402
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所