

篇名 近十年來教育組織變革對教學領導之啟示
並列篇名 The Implications of Instructional Leadership of Organizational Change in Education for the Past Decade
作者 楊振昇(Yang, Chen-sheng)
中文摘要 教育之發展攸關國家人力資源之培育,以及整體競爭力之提升,唯有透過計畫性與系統性的教育改革,才能使教育有效發揮傳承既有規範、瞭解社會現狀、以及引導未來發展方向的功能。基於此,本文主要在探討近十年來與教學領導有關之教育組織變革,及其對教學領導之啟示;全文分成四大部分,首先針對組織變革進行概念分析,其次則檢視近十年來主要之教育組織變革,再者則探討教學領導的主要內涵,最後則申述前述教育組織變革對教學領導之啟示。
英文摘要 The improvement of education is closely related to the development of human    resource as well as the promotion of the strength of competition. To elaborate the function of delivering traditional imperative, understanding social status, and guiding future development, the planned change and systematic educational reform should be emphasized. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of instructional leadership of organizational change in education for the past decade. There are four main sections in this paper. The first analyzes the concept of organizational change. The second examines the organizational change in education for the past decade.    The third focuses on the analysis of the content of instructional leadership. Finally, implications of instructional leadership based on the organizational change in education for the past decade are proposed.
頁次 107-130
關鍵詞 教育改革 組織變革 教學領導 Educational reform Instructional leadership Organizational change TSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200408
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所