

篇名 远程教育的昨天、今天和明天 ─ 访国际远程教育著名专家格伦维尔.鲁姆博尔教授
並列篇名 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of Distance Education ─ An Interview with Prof. Greville Rumble
作者 魏志慧 、郑勤华
中文摘要 在远程教育以前所未有的速度发展的时代,关于什幺是远程教育,远程教育与教育是怎样的关系,以及怎样管理和发展远程教育等问题仍值得我们在大踏歩前进的时侯进行深入反思。好在我们身边总是有很多智者,他们以睿智的眼光和丰富的经验审视着整个领域的发展。本次访谈的主角格伦维尔.鲁姆博尔就是其中的一位。鲁姆博尔在上个世纪70年代初就加盟了英国开放大学,这使得他有机会参与到远程教育的各个实践领域,积累了大量丰富的经验。因此他的研究兴趣和成果极其广泛,涉及到远程教育的基本理论体系,系统的组织、管理与评估,及远程教育经济学研究等多个方面。在您阅读鲁姆博尔教授的访谈过程时,相信您会和我们一样徜徉在远程教育的昨天、今天和明天这一历史发展的进程之中、尽情享受着智者的箴言。
英文摘要 Prof. Greville Rumble is one of the famous experts in the field of open and distance education who focus mainly on educational management. He was twice head of the Open University’s corporate planning office─first in the mid─1970s, and then in the late─1980s. During the 1990s he was for 8 years director of a regional office providing services to students. In 1999, he was appointed to a personal chair as Professor of Distance Education Management at the Open University. He was Editor of the journal of Open Learning from 1998 to 2001. He has tutored for the Open University in the field of organizational behavior, and is a Trustee of the International Extension College─a consultancy group working to develop distance education in the Third World. His research interests cover the philosophy of distance education, the planning and management of distance education, the organizational and the philosophy of distance education, the planning and management of distance education, the organizational and labor market aspects of flexible and distance education, and the costs and economics of open and distance learning. His ideas and models on distance education are cited by many researchers and used by many practitioners.
頁次 4-9
關鍵詞 vocational education traditional education e─learning cost distance education systems 传统教育 成本 职业教育 网络化学习 远程教育系统 CSSCI
卷期 12:2
日期 200604
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學