

篇名 大学:三种意义上的释读
並列篇名 The University:A Re—interpretation from Three Perspectives
作者 施晓光
中文摘要 “大学是什么”这一古老而崭新的命题,始终萦绕在所有关注大学形成、延续与演进的人们的脑中,使其不断思索和追问。然而,随着时间的流动和社会的变迁,大学系统变得越来越多样而复杂,从而导致有关大学本质存在和现实意义的解释成为一个没有终结的话题。本文试图从隐喻、概念和模型三个角度解读大学,目的在于帮助人们从更加广泛的意义和多元视角加深对大学本质的理解和认识。
英文摘要 What is the university?This old and new question is always engaging to us, who are concerned about what the university was and is. However, not all of us, who are living inside and outside the university campus, understand this question. As time moves forward, the structures and systems of higher learning institutions are becoming more and more complicated. As a result, there is no end to the quest of the nature of the university and its modern implications. This article explores the meanings of the university from three perspectives, e.g. metaphor, conception and model. The purpose is to deepen our understanding of the nature of the university from multiple perspectives.
頁次 109-116
關鍵詞 大学 隐喻 概念 模式 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200607
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學