

篇名 斯坦福大学的教职员帮助中心及其启示
並列篇名 The FSHC of Stanford University and its Enlightenment
作者 吴振利 、饶从满
中文摘要 随着问责与考评的盛行,各方面的重压接踵而至,高校教师应该得到、也应该被给予更多的人文关怀。斯坦福大学关怀教职员的措施非常细腻,比较得力,值得我国高校学习,尤其是其教职员帮助中心(FSHC),更值得我国高校研究与借鉴。
英文摘要 With the prevalence of accountability and evaluation, all kinds of pressure has come to the college faculty, therefore they should receive more human caring. The faculty-caring approaches taken by Standford University are quite detailed and effective. It is worthy to be learned from. Particularly, the practice of the faculty and staff help center needs to be well studied.
頁次 65-68
關鍵詞 人文关怀 校园救助 教职员帮助中心 human caring campus help Faculty and Staff Help Center FSHC CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 200802
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所