

篇名 國小教師學用配合情形之調查暨新制師院課程設計問題之分析研究
作者 王家通 、吳裕益
中文摘要 本研究主要目的是在了解我國師專課程設計之現況及國小教師學用配合情形,並探討主要國家小學師資養成課程之安排情形,以為改制後新制師院設系及課程設計之參考。    為達成上述研究目的,本研究包括問卷調查及文獻探討兩部分。前者以台灣區293所國小共1,602名師專普通科及藝能科畢業之教師為調查對象,分析各科專長教師其學用配合情形。後者是在分析日本、美國、英國及法國小學師資養成教育之課程安排之主要趨勢及特徵。茲將主要發現摘述如下:    1.現行師專課程,一般基礎教育甚為薄弱。    2.目前師專分組選修組別過分瑣碎。    3.目前國小中高年級採完全包班制的學校已經很少。    4.學用配合情形除藝能科畢業生稍好外,普通科畢業生甚難配合。    5.日、美、英、法四國小學師資養成機構均無分系制度。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were (1)to investigate whether the subjects that elementary teachers teach are in accord with their college majors or not, and (2)to analyze the features and trends in curriculum design in teachers colleges in Japan, England, France, and the United States.    The samples of the study included 293 elementary school and 1,602 elementary school teachers. A questionnaire constructed by the authors was used to collect data.    The major findings of this study wear as follows:    1.The general education in current junior teachers’ colleges is weak.    2.The electives in current junior teachers’ colleges are trivial.    3.The “One Class-One Teacher” system in grades one and two is most often used, but rarely used in grade three to six.    4.Most of the elementary school teachers have to teach four to five subjects, except for music major teachers.    5.There are no subdepartments in the elementary education departments of teachers’ colleges in Japan, English, France, and the United States.
頁次 71-101
卷期 7
日期 198703
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系