

篇名 雪肌精╱撐傘╱四角褲:大學女住宿生的身體意象
並列篇名 The Body Images and Sexuality Talk of Female College Dormitory Residents
作者 王儷靜 、陳亭妤
中文摘要 本文旨在探究大學女住宿生的美貌論述實踐以及情慾探索樣態,從兩條軸線處理大學女住宿生的身體意象議題,一是她們在美白保養、瘦身、裝扮、性慾望和親密關係等面向的想法與實踐,一是宿舍生活的集體特質對其身體意象形塑的影響。住宿女生的身體意象深受父權文化和資本主義的影響,透過再現和論述所生產的美麗神話被綿密地整合進宿舍生活中,一旦女住宿生內化了這套神話,則會傾向於將一切視為理所當然,並以這套美貌標準來檢視自己的身體。大學宿舍的生活空間特質也是促使美貌神話運作的因素,住宿者長時間的相處與頻繁的人際互動容易引發同儕間的行為模仿、競逐比較或是意見給予,因此,強調社會認可、令人愉悅的美容美體論述在宿舍中放大其對個體的影響效用。相較於隨著美麗政治舞動的身體,女住宿生在情慾方面展現較多異於主流論述的創造性。女住宿生形塑出多種談論情慾的方法,雖然情慾實踐不被公開允許,她們還是有一套應對方式,顛覆管理當局原先將宿舍視為無性空間的假設。另外,單一性別居住的宿舍空間設計不見得有助於女同志住宿生的親密關係發展,在異性戀為主流的女宿環境中,女同志學生必須謹慎地處理自己的身分和情慾,以確保自己的生存空間與隱私權。
英文摘要 The college dormitory is a field for the performance of the mainstream cultural ideals of female body, in which young women frame and reframe their body images. The aim of this study is to understand how female college dormitory residents experience body and beauty ideals, and to explore the discourse and practice of sexuality. Method of interview is employed.Participants describe their individual and collective experiences of skin care, weight lose, and dressing style. Exchanging fashion information and modeling peers’ behaviors are the ways for them to engage with dominant cultural standards of beauty. Through experiences of sexual objectification, they learn to objectify themselves and their peers as well. Although some participants try to resist cultural messages about women’s bodies, they find that it is hard to go against the beautification practice in the dormitory. The body images of these young women are situated within patriarchal culture, media and markets, which highlights the paradoxical female subjectivity issue as the self-enabling acts of individuals are shown to be inextricably embedded in layers of domination. In a culture that is determined to restrict talk about sex-related topics, particularly those of sexual practices, participants develop several strategies to enable themselves to talk, learn, and discuss issues of sexuality. In order to stay overnight with their boyfriends, the female college students breakdown the regulations by jumping out of the 2nd floor or blocking the surveillance camera with an umbrella when entering the male dormitory. For the lesbian students, the dormitory is not a safe place for their sexual identity and the practice of intimacy relationship in private. They thus respond in ways of passing, covering, or remaining a state of uncertainty when their sexuality is challenged.
頁次 57-89
關鍵詞 身體意象 female college student sexuality gender studies body image 情慾論述 宿舍文化 性別文化 TSSCI
卷期 20:1
日期 200906
刊名 臺東大學教育學報
出版單位 國立臺東大學