

篇名 美国高校招生的公平与效率研究
並列篇名 Probing into Equity and Efficiency of Admissions System of American Higher Education
作者 吴向朋
中文摘要 公平与效率是各国高等教育改革所面临的两难选择,对教育公平与效率的不同理解决定了高校招生录取标准采用同一尺度还是多元尺。美国高校招生制度的发展表明,在高等教育大众化的背景下,政府通过立法和政策导向来保障弱势群体的受教育权利和教育机会,体现了公平的价值取向;而高校追求与培养目标相适应的人才选拔效率。美国高校招生制度发展的经验可以为我国高考制度改革提供启示。
英文摘要 The reform of higher education in all the countries faces the dilemma of choice between equity and efficiency. Different understanding on this issue determines higher institutions whether to adopt the same standard or multimensional entrance standards. The development of admissions system of American colleges and universities showed that in the time of mass higher education, it was the government to protect the right of the vulnerable groups to education and ensure educational opportunities through legislation and policy adjustments, while colleges and universities pursuit selection efficiency suitable to the talent training goal. The experience can provide important enlightenment to the reform of China’s college entrance examination system.
頁次 17-21
關鍵詞 trade-off equity admission 高等教育 美国 效率 招生 公平 CSSCI
卷期 30:10
日期 200810
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所