

篇名 自學班與普通班教師教學行為比較研究
作者 鄭淵全
中文摘要 自學案之要旨在於國中教學之改革,而教師教學行為之良窳為其成敗之重要關鍵。因此,本研究之目的:(1)探究教巾教學行為相關研究及其因素;(2)比較自學班與普通班之教師教學行為是否差異。 本研究以八十二學年度台北市國中一、二、三年級自學班與普通班共2889名學生(有效樣本2853名)為施測對象。以自編之「自學班與普通班教師教學行問卷」為工具。資料以GLM程式進行二因子多變項分析。教師教學行為則包含教學態度、教學材料、教學方法、教學評量、班級領導及學校生活滿意度六個變項。 研究結果發現:(1)班別與年級交互作用效果達到顯著水準(Λ=0.9902,P<0.001);(2)交互作用效果乃教學方法及評量之差異所造成;(3)自學班教師在教學方面法及評量上優於普通班教師;(4)在教學態度、教學材料、班級領導及學校生活滿意度上則無差異。
英文摘要 This is a Tentative Plan which aimed at the improvement of teaching in the junior high school. the success of this plan is highly dependent on the teachers’ teaching behavior in the classroom.    The purposes of this study were:    1.to analysis the studies of teachers’ teaching behavior and its factors.    2.to investigate whether or not there were differences between tentative and general groups in teachers’ teaching behavior.    Participants in this study were 2889 students from tentative and general groups in the junior high school in Taipei. Data were analysised by two-way MANOVA of GLM. Six factors implicated in teachers’ teaching behavior were investigated: teaching attitude, materials, method, evaluation, classroom management and school life satisfaction.    The major findings of this study were as following:    (1)There were significant on groups and grades interaction effect (Λ=0.9902, p<0.001).    (2)the interaction effect was caused by the significant differences in teaching method and evaluation.    (3)The teaching method and evaluation of the tentative groups were better than those of general groups.    (4)No significant differences were found between tentative and general groups in teaching attitude, materials, classroom management and school life satisfaction.
頁次 379-405
關鍵詞 自學班 普通班 教師 教學行為 TSSCI
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系