

篇名 臺東縣山地國民中小學原住民教育的品質及省思
作者 張俊紳
中文摘要      本研究旨在瞭解臺東縣山地小學教育人員對原住民教育的觀念態度、作為及教育經費的支配與應用情形。以原住民學生超過50%以上的55所國民小學為研究母群,經分層隨機取樣,選取17所學校為研究對象。研究方法主要是採實地觀察、訪問,並佐以學校現況調查表,以蒐集相關資料,再予以分析詮釋。 本研究的主要發現如次:一、教育經費及教學設備方面,山地國小教育成本遠高於平地國小,但其教育品質並不高,各校間的資源分配,山地國小教育成本遠高於平地國小,但其教育品質並不高,各校間的資源分配,頗為不均。國中則無此現象。二、學校的經費分配及使用方面,國中比小學合理,但兩者的教學設備均欠佳,其中小學的經費大多用於改興建校舍或添置辦公設備,輕忽教學設備的改善。三、教育人員的教育態度、期望與作為方面,缺乏改善原住民教育的積極態度。
英文摘要      The purpose of this study is to investigate: (1)the attitudes toward aborigines for those elementary and secondary educators who taught in the remote areas where most aborigines reside in taitung; and (2)how the educational fundings were utilized. Population included fifty elementary and secondary schools in Taitung where each contains more than 50 percent of aborigional students. Of these schools, seventeen were selected as subjects using stratified randoming sampling procedure. Research methods included observation, interview and survey. The results indicated that: (1)in elementary schools, the costs of education were much higher for schools located in remote areas where most aborigines reside while its quality was low, in addition, the distribution of educational resources were unequal; (2)but the secondary schools did not encounter the same problems as the elementary schools did; (3)as for as the distribution of funding is concerned, secondary schools appeared to be more appropriately in using it than the elementary schools despite the fact that all of their facilities were poor; (4)most of the fundings in elementary schools were used in building-construction while ignore the importance of improving teaching facilities; and (5)educators revealed poor attitude and behavior as well as low expectancy toward the education of aborigines.
頁次 279-315
卷期 11
日期 199506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系