

篇名 柏拉圖與杜威知識論的比較與評論
並列篇名 The Comparison and Review of Plato's and John Dewey's Theory of Knowledge
作者 陳幸仁(Chen, Shin-jen)
中文摘要      柏拉圖是古希臘三哲之一,也是西方觀念主義之創始者。《理想園》是柏氏最偉大的作品,它揭露出他在教育上的深奧玄妙的理想。杜威則是二十世紀著名的教育哲學家,也是實驗主義的巨擘。他一生著作豐富,《民生主義與教育》這本書可謂是他最傑出的代表作。本研究以文獻調查的方法,首先探討柏、杜二氏的思想淵源,以及他們對知識論的基本觀點。然後以什麼是知識、知識的本體、知識的來源、追求知識的方法以及追求知識的目的這五個層面,來比較柏、杜二氏在知識論上的不同見解,並加以評論之。
英文摘要      Plato was one of three philosophers of ancient Greece; he also was a creator of western Idealism. “Republic”, the greateset one of Plato’s work, reveals his profound ideal on education. John Dewey was an outstanding educational philosopher in 20th century; he also was a master of Experimentalism. He wrote abundant writings during his lifetime. Especially the book, “Democracy and Education”, may be called his most well-known masterpiece.    The paper explores the background of Plato’s and John Dewey’s thoughts, and their basic ideas about Theory of Knowledge. The paper compares the different viewpoints of Plato and John Dewey on Theory of Knowledge, and reviews them with five dimensions: meaning of knowledge, substance of knowledge, resource of knowledge, method of pursuing knowledge and purpose of pursuing knowledge.
頁次 401-425
卷期 12
日期 199606
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系